Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Apple iOS 6 vs. Google Android : Navigation

Smart-phone navigation showdown 
Apple iOS 6 vs. Google Android 4.0.4
On the smart-phone battleground, much attention has been paid recently to the quality of the free navigation app--Apple Maps--that comes with the new iPhone 5 (also part of the iOS 6 upgrade available for some other Apple devices). But there has been little focus on how well the app actually helps you get from Point A to Point B. Sure, there are lots of images of melted bridges circulating online, but how well does the app navigate?
We decided to find out by putting the iPhone 5 through our complete navigation tests, along with one of the latest Android phones with Google Maps navigation for comparison. (See our cell phone buying advice and Ratings.)
Last week we wrote that based on our first impressions of Apple Maps, we were disappointed. While it does offer Apple users built-in navigation with true turn-by-turn directions for the first time, it lacks some of the features and integration found in dedicated portable navigators and other navigation apps from Garmin, Navigon, and TomTom, such as reality view, lane assistance, exit guide, and multi-destination routing. Frankly, we expected the app to match the state of the art, and perhaps even advance it. But, it didn't.
Apple-vs-Google-9-2012-address.jpgHaving put it through the paces we subject each portable navigator to in our test program, our original criticisms remain. But having more thoroughly tested Apple Maps alongside a Samsung Galaxy S3 running Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) with Google Maps, we have a more favorable opinion--certainly more favorable than comments and articles that we've been reading online.
Our evaluations were performed in the greater New York City area using two phones per platform, each on a different carrier. We found that both Apple Maps and Google Maps route effectively, providing clear guidance and great points-of-interest integration.
Overall, Apple impressed our staff with the graphic presentation for the interface, results, signage, and points of interest info. However, there is less customization throughout than Google--a mixed blessing when driving, where distractions can be dangerous. Google comes across as more business like and less fun.
Apple Maps is relatively streamlined, providing basic navigation guidance and limited travel information. The large display for next-turn information (which looks like a familiar green-and-white highway-sign) is easy to read at a glance, and it compensates for a map design that is harder to interpret than that on Android. We like the estimated time of arrival, remaining distance, and travel time countdown, although the text is so small, it is a greater aid for a passenger than the driver.
Apple-vs-Google-9-2012-traffic.jpgIn terms of traffic reporting, Google gets the nod. The iPhone doesn't highlight roads where traffic is flowing well, and the red dashes and yellow overlays of roads meant to indicate stopped or slow traffic aren't nearly as vivid and readily interpreted as those in the Google app. Because Google shows freely-flowing traffic with bold green lines, it gives the impression that Google has more information, although in reality, it may often be a presentation choice rather than a data difference. That said, in the greater NYC area, Google seems to have more coverage, or at least provide more information.
Voice-recognition seemed comparable between the platforms, with each occasionally tripping over spoken commands. For both, the voiced instructions are clear and easily understood.
Both phones will accept calls while navigating, and they each require interaction with the screen while on call to return to full-screen navigation--a dangerous distraction. Both return to navigation automatically when a call ends. As with many facets, Google offers more customization here, for instance providing the ability for voice directions at varying volume levels while talking on the phone.

Addressing complaints

Apple-vs-Google-9-2012-POI-info.jpgThere has been much online grumbling about the iPhone app focused on weird 3D images, misplaced points of interest, and an absence of a Google-type "street view." As shown on our previous post, we certainly have found instances of melting images in 3D mode, but more often than not, we found rather intriguing 3D representations that bring a map to life. The reality is, this is a novelty feature, not a component of navigation.
As for points of interest (POI), we programmed and traveled to numerous destinations. Almost all were found and successfully routed. Both platforms provided comparable information about restaurants and other attractions, with Apple using Yelp and Google partnering with Zagat. Each app provides contact information, reviews, and even user-submitted photos.
Where we did run into trouble on the iPhone was searching for a nearby train station. The system couldn't identify the location by "train," instead requiring a search for "Metro North"--a name that a visitor to the region may not be familiar with. This seems to be an issue with the search algorithm, rather than a map inaccuracy.
Apple uses maps from TomTom, a leading navigation company. We suspect many criticisms pointing to the map quality are misguided, as we have found TomTom to provide quality maps and guidance across multiple platforms. Instead, the fault may be Apple's software applied to the TomTom data. (Apple agrees. Read: "Tim Cook Apologizes for Apple's Maps.")
Either way, in our experience thus far, this is a minor concern.

Bottom line:

Both the free Apple and Google navigation apps provide clear routing directions. Apple feels like a less-mature product. But as seen with the initial competing applications for the iPhone, we would expect updates to this new app over time--and Apple has promised as much. When getting down to the nitty gritty, Google provides a better overall package, but we feel that both provide a good solution for standard software. We expect the competition between the companies will benefit customers with ongoing improvements.

Tabel Perbandingan iOS 6 dengan Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich dan Windows Phone 7.5

Dengan hadirnya iOS 6, nampaknya persaingan dalam hal Sistem Operasi atau OS akan semakin sengit. Apple sendiri mengklaim bahwa iOS 6 telah memiliki 200 fitur terbaru yang akan memanjakan para penggunanya, perbaikan dalam fitur SIRI yang diklaim jauh lebih pintar, integrasi dengan jejaring sosial Facebook yang lebih mumpuni dan navigasi turn by turn.

Selain iOS 6,  sistem operasi favorit lainnya adalah Android 4.0 Ice Cream  Sandwich milik Google dan Windows Phone 7.5  milik Microsoft. Apa saja perbedaan ketiga OS tersebut? anda bisa melihatnya dalam tabel perbandingan antara iOS 6, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, dan juga Windows Phone 7.5. dibawah ini. Mana menurut anda yang lebih baik??? Silahkan berikan penilaian sendiri.

Iphone 5 review

Apple iPhone 5 review

  • Apple iPhone 5 EarPod
  • Apple iPhone 5
  • Apple iPhone 5
  • Apple iPhone 5 4G Speed
  • Apple iPhone 5 Wi-Fi BBC iPlayer
  • Apple iPhone 5 4G BBC iPlayer
  • Apple iPhone 5 Google Maps Options
  • Apple iPhone 5 Maps route
  • Apple iPhone 5 Google Maps
  • Apple iPhone 5 SIM card comparison
  • Apple iPhone 5 calendar comparison
  • Apple iPhone 5 email comparison
  • Apple iPhone 5 keyboard
  • Apple iPhone 5 3D
  • Apple iPhone 5 panorama
  • Apple iPhone 5 iPhone 4S detail shot
  • Apple iPhone 5 detail shot
  • Apple iPhone 5 Street View
  • Apple iPhone 5 rear
  • Apple iPhone 5 volume buttons
  • Apple iPhone 5 Lightning
  • Apple iPhone 5 SIM slot
  • Apple iPhone 5 power button
  • Apple iPhone 5 EarPod
  • Apple iPhone 5

It's smaller, thinner and faster with a higher-resolution screen, but the new Maps app is a disappointment

There's a very simple way to describe the Apple iPhone 5: thinner, lighter and a bit taller than the iPhone 4S. While that gets across the general look of the phone, it rather underestimates what's gone into the design to achieve this.
For starters, Apple has managed to shave 1.4mm of the thickness of its previous phone. When you compare them side-by-side, what Apple has done is immediately obvious. While the iPhone 4S' screen and back bulged out from the side, the iPhone 5 has a flush back, while the screen is barely raised at all.
Apple iPhone 5 volume buttons There's no denying that the iPhone 5 is impressively thin
It's easy to tell the difference is size from photos, but weight's an altogether harder thing to describe. In pure stats, the iPhone 4S weighed 140g, while the iPhone 5 is 28g lighter at just 112g. Trust us, this is a big difference and it's immediately noticeable when you pick the iPhone 5 up: you get the feeling that it simply should weigh more, it's that light.
While the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 are clearly related, there are some cosmetic changes to the new model, which give it a different look and help keep the weight down. Gone is the all-glass rear, replaced instead with an aluminium panel that covers most of back of the phone, bar two glass panels at the top and bottom. We've been told that during manufacturing the rear of the phone is photographed with the aluminium panel in place, so that the best-fitting glass panels can be found. Our review model was certainly well put together, with a flush fitting rear.
Apple iPhone 5 rear
A new aluminium back panel gives the iPhone 5 a different look and feel

Apa sih Google+ ituuu?

Google+ adalah jejaring sosial baru yang diluncurkan oleh raksasa internet, google. Tentu saja hal ini dilakukan untuk mengikis dominasi Facebook yang sangat berjaya di dunia jejaring sosial dalam beberapa tahun ini.

Google Plus dikembangkan dengan nama proyek “Emerald Sea”, proyek rahasia ini sendiri memakan waktu satu tahun lebih dan dipimpin oleh Google Senior VP of Social, Vic Gundotra dan Google VP Product of Google Apps, Bradley Horowitz serta diperkirakan menelan biaya sekitar 585 juta dollar.

Saat ini Google+ telah beranggotakan hampir 20 juta pengguna di minggu kedua setelah peluncurannya. Dengan anggota yang begitu banyak, admin google plus membatasi jumlah anggota google plus dengan hanya menggunakan sistem invite untuk setiap pendaftarannya.

Banyak yang mengatakan, bahwa tujuan dari google plus ini adalah untuk menyaingi facebook sebagai jejaring sosial nomor 1 di dunia saat ini. Namun, semoga saja ini hanya isu belaka yang ingin mengadu dombakan keduanya.

Namun kabarnya, minggu ini Facebook bekerja sama dengan Skype meluncurkan fitur video chat sehingga 750 juta penggunanya di seluruh dunia dapat melakukan video chat baik one-to-one maupun berkelompok. Fitur ini ditengarai merupakan "jawaban" Facebook atas fitur Hangouts di Google Plus.

Google+ (Google Plus) juga telah melakukan pemanasan dengan cara menebar +1 button beberapa bulan yang lalu di setiap hasil pencarian search engine dimana pengguna pada saat melakukan pencarian dalam keadaan login di gmail baru fitur ini dapat terlihat. Untuk anggota G+ sementara waktu ini masih dibatasi lewat invitation saja. Jika sebelumnya google juga pernah melempar produk baru seperti Google Wave dan Google Buzz tetapi kurang banyak peminatnya, Dengan kehadiran Google Plus apakah dapat mendulang kesuksesan nantinya?

Apa Saja Fitur dari Google Plus?
Menurut saya banyak sekali fitur-fitur yang google plus punya, fiturnya semua keren-keren. Berikut fitur-fiturnya:

1. Automatic Circles
Kelebihan fitur ini dari pada yang lain adalah dapat mengelompokkan secara langsung teman-teman, kenalan, keluarga, dan lain-lain dalam satu lingkaran. Selain itu, sewaktu anda ingin membuat status, anda dapat mengelompokkan untuk status tersebut siapa saja yang dapat melihat status anda tersebut, bisa kenalan ataupun yang lainnya.

2. Huddle
Huddle adalah fitur yang tersedia untuk Android, iPhone, dan perangkat SMS untuk berkomunikasi melalui pesan instan dalam Circles. Anda dapat chat dengan teman di dalam lingkaran anda secara mudah dan nyaman. Fitur ini tidak ada di facebook.

3. Hangouts
Fitur ini menggunakan teknologi video sosial media yang baru. Dalam urusan obrolan chat, google plus lebih unggul dari facebook. Dengan fitur ini anda dapat chat dengan obrolan di circles anda (maximal 10 orang) secara live/langsung.

4. Sparks
Fitur keren ini tidak dimiliki oleh jejaring sosial manapun termasuk facebook. Sparks adalah fitur seperti mesin pencari untuk memberikan penggunanya informasi yang instan dan akurat. Dengan fitur ini, anda tidak perlu keluar dari jejaring sosial google plus lagi, karena di dalamnya sudah terdapat mesin pencari yang dapat anda gunakan setiap saat untuk dibagi ataupun disimpan sendiri.

5. Instan Upload
Fitur ini adalah fitur upload foto yang dapat dikreasikan dengan menambahkan komentar lucu pada foto. Ini merupakan fitur yang tepat untuk membuat orang meringis saat melihat foto Anda.

6. Google Plus Mobile
Banyak yang bertanya-tanya kepada saya bagaimana dengan google plus mobile. Sebenarnya sangat mudah, anda hanya perlu menuju ke google plus seluler saja untuk browsing ke google plus dengan versi mobile. Berikut demo google plus dengan menggunakan handphone android.

I Phone case


Coldplay - Paradise (Live 2012 from Paris)